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Club Class 



The GXNXTClub is a full-valued REMOS, built of carbon fibre in well-proven REMOS quality. The GXNXTClub comes with one 7”-screen of the recently introduced Dynon SkyView SE (SV-D600). This EFIS/EMS device offers everything a VFR pilot needs. Radio and transponder are also part of the standard equipment.




The standard version of the GXNXTClub is powered by the Rotax 912 (59 kW/80 PS). REMOS also offers the appropriate engine for pilots who wish to have more power: the Rotax 912 S (100 PS/74 kW). This propulsion gives the GXNXTClub the ability for glider towing. A glider towing clutch as well as our high-performance cooling system come along with this engine. As all of our models, the GXNXTClub also provides many ways for individual configuration. 


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